The Drive from Las Vegas to Reno
You’d think I’d be sick of this drive by now. After all, I’ve done it at least a half dozen times this winter—an approximately eight-hour stretch of highway that snakes through the heart of Nevada.
But nope.
Turns out, I’m a total sucker for road trips, even the ones I’ve done before.
Just say the words “long, open desert roads,” and you’ve got me.
My heart literally swoons at the thought. I can almost hear the distant cry of a hawk overhead and smell the dust kicked up by passing tumbleweeds.
Small Towns, Big Charm
Small towns like Beatty, Goldfield, Tonopah, Mina, Hawthorne, and Silver Springs are little pockets of joy for someone like me.
(Not so much for a certain friend of mine who falls asleep the minute we leave the City limits. )
But for me? No siree.
Armed with two cameras and a fully charged cell phone, I’m always on the lookout for something unique to capture. There’s a reason why glossy magazines flock to these stretches of highway for editorial spreads, and why filmmakers choose this backdrop for movies and music videos.
These back roads are dripping with American nostalgia—sweeping landscapes, weathered buildings with stories to tell, and the occasional wild burro wandering across the pavement.
Beatty: The Gateway to Adventure
One of the first small towns you’ll encounter heading north on Route 95 from Las Vegas, Beatty sets the tone for the journey ahead. Whether you’re stopping for a quick bite or just stretching your legs, there’s a certain charm to this desert town that never fades.
And that’s just the beginning.
The road ahead promises more hidden treasures, quirky roadside attractions, and endless photo opportunities—all waiting to be discovered.
Wild Burro

“Desert roads lead to the best stories—written in dust, wind, and endless horizons.”