Ok kids, if you're a Clueless fan, then this video is for you! My girl (self proclaimed), Iggy Azalea has recently released a song/music video that is super cat...
New Mill Inn, in Plantsville, is quickly becoming one of my favorite restaurants in Connecticut.
I love places that have a little rustic charm and New Mill I...
I should start off by saying that although Purdy's Farmer & The Fish isĀ in New York, it is not in the City. In fact, it is closer to my friends in Connectic...
This past Sunday, I checked one more thing off my 'Must See While In Puerto Rico List': the the Arecibo Observatory, or as any James Bond fan would know it from...
A series of photos from the Western Coast of Puerto Rico...
In less than a week, I will be traveling back to the East Coast and as of now, I'm not sure if JC...
Showing some love for New York with this "New York Rocks" shirt I got from Forever21 (although I added the studs on the shoulders myself)!
In fact, pretty much...
Situated right on a sandy beach, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, it's hard not to be swept away by this gorgeous restaurant.
Outdoor seating, day or night, h...
The other night, I was having a little bit of insomnia and found myself staring at the computer screen - too wired to sleep, but too tired to do anything even r...