Cobblestone streets, wrought iron gates, artistically foamed lattes, miles and miles of Caribbean Sea, a window to the world, gateways to the dead, a mourning s...
Even though I've been semi-living in Puerto Rico for the past couple of years, I've only recently begun exploring El Yunque National Rainforest. I'm kicking mys...
Barrachina is a fun place to take a break during a day out in Old San Juan. There is an open air patio where you can get a cold sangria, or an ice cold pina col...
Recently, I got to know Puerto Rico from an entirely new vantage point - from the front deck of a sailboat, thanks to Sailing Dreams!
The day of our tour, we...
Wow, this girl has a seriously strong set of vocal chords! I'm so into everything about Jess Glynne right now - her voice is amazing, but so is her hair (a gorg...
Two years ago, the boo and I celebrated Valentine's Day at the Marriott in Condado where we enjoyed a memorable 3 course meal outside on the patio. While we din...
Snow...lots and lots of snow on this hike!
As with most things in life, to be a successful hiker takes a certain level of preparation. Given the current wint...
All last week, I was reveling in the East Coast snow and the week before that, I was in awe while playing in the snow capped mountains of Utah. The contrast cou...
When I was younger, I took an ecology class in school where I learned to identify all sorts of East Coast wildlife prints. It became a fun hobby of mine and for...
Even though I've only been back from Utah for a couple of days, I'm anxious to get a couple of more ski days under my belt, before the season is over. It's hard...
Mind officially blown. I admit that up until now I've had a pretty limited experience when it comes to skiing; I've only been to slopes within a couple of hours...
Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore...
That quote pretty much sums up my feeling towards skiing Utah for the first time. It was so hard to see a...